Standing for democracy

Public debate is being short-circuited by individuals and entities that repeatedly spread lies.

Law for Truth, a project of Protect Democracy, works to stop those who intentionally or recklessly spread false information that undermines our democracy. Through strategic litigation and public education, we protect that democracy — along with individuals and entities victimized by disinformation — against those who intentionally or recklessly defame for financial, partisan, or other reasons. Lies have consequences for our democracy, but must also have consequences for those who manufacture and spread them.

A mission even more vital today

The internet and social media have enabled a small group of actors to disproportionately pollute our information ecosystem, purposefully or recklessly publishing lies that spread like wildfire.

Some pose as journalists while defaming individuals to distort public debate and score political points. Public debate is being short-circuited by individuals and entities that repeatedly spread lies. Before anyone can correct their lies, they move on to the next victim. The First Amendment does not protect intentional or reckless serial liars, who are undermining our democracy itself.

Defamation and the First Amendment

Law for Truth believes that a robust public debate grounded in truth is essential to the proper functioning of our democracy.

Striking the appropriate balance between protecting critical speech and safeguarding reputations against knowing and reckless lies, the “actual malice” standard in defamation litigation serves as a global model for open, democratic societies committed to the free exchange of ideas. Read more about the history and role of the “actual malice” standard in our democracy in our white paper and our guest essay in The New York Times.